Fallout new vegas is boring
Fallout new vegas is boring

Although the fan boys, "independent reviewers" and paid Bethesda employees will seek to skew these rating sites, the proof is in the lackluster sales and general negative, poor opinion of Bethesda. This is essentially DLC for Fallout 3 that they tried (and failed) to pass off as a stand alone game.

fallout new vegas is boring

Final analysis: Rushed out to market before true completion in a manner typical of Bethesda. Certain quests are only offered under poorly designed circumstances with NPCs not reacting to successful completions or acting as if you DIDN"T just save their whole city from bad guys. Although the stories for each quest is better, the execution is still murky at best as one wrong dialogue choice cuts off entire quests. If you play the game without VATS, the NPCs dodge and weave like a weasel on crack all while maintaining pinpoint accuracy. As others have posted, you think they would've improved the game engine and graphics by now! The VATS system makes the game laughably easy and you can kite any enemy in the game. Negatives: Its still Oblivion (LOLblivion) with guns. New environment and (slight) movement forward in terms of the Fallout canon. Positives: Obsidian does a MUCH better job of writing story lines and quests than Bethesda did. New Vegas was rushed to market before it was ready much like Fallout 3. I always thought it would be fun to have a 1st person perspective while playing Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics, but Bethesda simply does a poor job of it. I've played each Fallout game since the first and I have to say I'm as disappointed with Fallout: New Vegas as I was with Fallout 3.

fallout new vegas is boring

Fallout new vegas is boring